Should and Would Build no Bridges

‘Should and would build no bridges,’…

pg. 164 Wheel of Time, Dragon Reborn.

We can’t alter our choices and actions in the past.

You can look back and say, ‘I should have done something different,’ or ‘I would have been better of if only I did that’. It can be productive to learn from those choices and actions, but dwelling on it and beating yourself up about it isn’t productive and isn’t time used wisely.

Focus on where you are Now. What choices and actions can you make Now that will benefit your future self? Be productive Now. Leave the negative dwelling behind in the past and move Forward.

a soundtrack for while you read

I am aware that I spend a lot of time in that ‘dwelling on the actions I didn’t make’ bubble. It makes me feel awful, and I know it’s unnecessary and not productive. It can be hard. You look at what everyone around you is doing, and question, ‘why didn’t I do what they did? Why didn’t I follow those steps and actions?’; and then you lay down and just dwell. Not good.

I know that I can change my life and benefit my future self by focusing on the Now. Taking steps Now. Deciding to change as a musician, a creator, and as a person. Deciding to follow through with those projects and dreams I’ve always had. Saying to myself that I can do it, to instill belief in myself, to congratulate myself and to be proud of myself.

I hope I do. I hope I break those dwelling cycles and grow. I hope I put those worries aside and focus on what I can create and work towards right now, rather than thinking it’s too late or that I ‘should’ have done it sooner so that I ‘would’ have better off today.

Let’s build bridges today, and focus on what we can do in the Now.

With much love, thank you for reading 🙂

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